Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Spider on the Trail

The other day I nearly had this spider in my face.  I am so glad my intuition made me look up right when I did.

spider on the trail

Late Summer Walk to the River

Almost every day I go on a walk to the river and if I remember to bring my camera, I take pictures. There is always something special to experience. Read this to the end and you will see the magical experince I have to share today
It's been an exceptionally hot dry summer on the Olympic Peninsula. Its been a rainforest without rain most of the time. Just last night we finally got some moisture.
It feels and smells different now that we got some precipitation. 

Too bad photos can't deliver the scent. I guess I need to describe it in words. Perhaps in another posting on another day. (so be sure to check back or even better, subscribe) 

This leaf was just stuck on this mossy trunk like velcro.

This stump appears to be shedding its mossy coat.

Afternoon sunlight filtering through onto the vine maple leaves

The river I walk down to is very low.The following photos are taken at the river bed.

I love the contrast of the warm yellowy leaves against the cool gray stones

To me this play of contrast is a feast for the eyes.

The view looking upstream. 

When there is no wind and the river is still,
the water becomes clear
and reflections appear
this place becomes very spiritual. 

clear water and reflections  in the view looking across the river

                                  turn this image sideways (look at the next picture)

and you can see the river spirits